Friday, February 22, 2013

How I started my ETSY shop

I am a stay at home mom to a beautiful toddler, who just turned 1! Married to a wonderful husband, father and Marine pilot. Before I got pregnant, we were living in San Diego and I was an Interior Designer. I LOVED my job. My husband is in the Military and we ended up getting stationed in Pensacola FL. Lucky for me, we are still near the beach! YAY! So here I am, a new stay at home mom, no friends, new area, and me and my baby. WHAT DO I DO NOW! My passion is and always will be design and furniture. I ended up finding these amazing Vintage Arne Vodder chairs on Craigslist, I could not believe it. I KNEW I could sell these babies. I called them first thing in the morning, since my free time at the moment was stalking the website during the nights while my baby slept....sorta. I drove about 45 minutes and picked these babies up.  That lead to my ETSY shop. I wanted to reupholster them, but decided to just put them up and see what would happen.

 Back in SD I was again, searching CL, and found an amazing Original Chinese Ancestor Portrait. Being an designer, I new what a great deal this was. Convincing my husband was another story, BUT, we bought it :) I knew I could sell it for more. Didn't know how, when, or where, just knew I could. So that was another item I put up on Etsy. That was my first sale actually :)

When I started my ETSY shop, I knew I wanted to make my finds affordable for others. I always loved so many EXPENSIVE things while designing that I knew I could never afford at the time. So I am giving back I suppose. That's when I found these beauties. I found these John Keal coffee table and side tables at an Estate Sale. The sold too. I LOVE what I do, and it is something I can do to earn our family extra money and raise my son while working from home.